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Re: Standalone: Observations and Impressions
Quite a regular.
Quite a regular.

Sorry for the double post, but this information warranted its own post.

I logged in today, say my character all geared out with my wepon on the main menu.  I went to switch server (to check and make sure I was on the server we've been playing on -- US 1-12), and joined the game.  Suddenly I was no longer near Vybor, I was on the huge dock in Cherno.... with NOTHING.  Brand new character.  I was mad, but I figured the update had reset things and said 'fuck it, might as well play.'  I ran around looking for loot, eventually got hit by a zombie and started bleeding.  I was running around looking for the hospital when my game crashed.  When I loaded it back up, the main menu still showed my character from before.  SO WHERE DID HE GO?  How do I get him back??  I logged back in to US 1-12, and I was placed NO WHERE NEAR where my game had crashed.

Not sure what's going on here, but there are definitely NEW issues now after the update.  I'm pissed at the moment, but I'm just going to keep playing with a new character and see what happens.


Scriv's most recent post in the Standalone Tips thread explains the above issue.  I feel much better now.  It does not explain the issue with not being in the same location as I was when my game crashed (which has happened twice now since the update), however I have not yet tested this after logging out normally.  I will edit this post again once I have logged back in (later tonight).

Posted on: 2013/12/19 18:22
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Re: Standalone Tips
Site Admin
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MordorHQ Forum
19 DEC 2013

When you spawn you're actually already hungry and thirsty, just not critically. When the hunger and thirst messages start appearing that means you're around 30% or so. Above that there are no indicators at all except for when you're stuffed.

A tip is to find a pond/river/well and keep drinking (first person, scroll wheel) 'til you get a message saying something along the lines of "I feel completely full" or "My stomach feels more stuffed than normal". With all that water in you you'll last much longer before you start seeing thirst messages again. When it comes to food it's a different story though as there are no infinite natural sources for it, only loot...

Posted on: 2013/12/19 15:54
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Re: Image in your signature.
Quite a regular.
Quite a regular.

You can 'subscribe' to a thread by checking the "Notify me of new posts in the current thread" option (located near the bottom of the page in any given thread). 

I've noticed not every thread has this option.  Not sure why.

There is also this same checkbox at the bottom of all the checkboxes under your reply text box when posting to a thread.  Just look under the TinyMCE box to find it, just above the 'attach file' field.  This is also where you will find your 'attach signature' checkbox (which isn't always checked by default I've noticed).

You can also change the notification method just below that (clicking 'change' will take you to your 'edit profile' page and if you scroll down you can choose between 'disable', 'private message', and 'email notification').

Posted on: 2013/12/19 14:28
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Re: Beer!
Quite a regular.
Quite a regular.

I'm partial to pilsners and pale-ales myself... I have never enjoyed stouts.  Rolling Rock is my favorite domestic beer, Sapporo is my favorite import (of those that I have tried so far).

Posted on: 2013/12/19 14:18
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Re: Standalone: Observations and Impressions
Quite a regular.
Quite a regular.

Iwazzio said he found a tent the other night, and had some loot stashed in it for later.  He also said that to return from unconsciousness one needs to be given a saline treatment (using a saline bag and an IV (intravenous) start kit).

What items are needed to rip up a shirt?  Iwazzio also said he hadn't figured this out yet.

The fireman's axe kills zombies in one hit, and once you get the timing down you can easily kill them before they can even take a swipe at you.

Plastic water bottles and canteens can be found (I have found a total of 5 (3 bottles, two canteens) in my "short" travel time from Elektra to Vybor) and both can be refilled at water pumps located in many town areas.  Iwazzio said he was able to fill them in ponds as well, but I have not found the 'sweet spot' to be able to do so.  TO FILL WATER: place the empty water bottle in your hands, get OUT of the inventory screen and scroll-wheel to 'Fill Water' when looking at the aforementioned water pump (or the 'sweet spot' in a pond).  Water purification tablets can also be found, but using them does not change the name of the water bottle in any way (so you don't know whether or not it has worked).

First aid kits can be found; they are a bag within themselves.  They can be opened either on the ground (left side of the inventory screen) or when placed in your character's hands.  If you place it on the ground DO NOT FORGET to put it back in your inventory!!  They take up 4 slots (in a square).

Loot can spawn in some of the wrecked cars scattered around cities and towns -- make sure you check inside and try to open the doors/trunk to search for the loot.  On two occasions a firearm was found in one of the aforementioned lootable cars (both times it was a Mosin rifle -- looks a bit like a Lee Enfield, fires 7.62 ammo).  Certain scopes can easily be attached to certain weapons.  If you drag an item over another item and the thumbnail turns yellow, it means those two items can interact somehow with each other.

Hope this information helps!!!

Posted on: 2013/12/19 14:14
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Standalone: Observations and Impressions
Site Admin
Site Admin

Some initial observations, tips, and impressions.

It is bare bones (no tents or recoverable vehicles observed).

Once a single player loots a structure, the loot is gone. I dehydrated/starved to perpetual unconsciousness at least twice due to lack of consumable loot. The requirement to drink and eat is much more frequent as compared to the DayZ mod. Find a can opener. It worth its weight in gold. Start playing after a server restart, if you are in a high traffic area. It would be good to know if anyone has picked up on a pattern for the server restarts. It takes longer to get anywhere as you are inspecting structures that were previously un-enterable.

Believe it or not, there is still a lot of work to be done with the zombies. Breaking line of sight and jogging does not really work. You have to sprint away from them.

Crowbar and baseball bat seem to do about the same amount of damage. Go toe to toe with a zombie and you are fighting with a bat, you will take some damage and need to be ready to bandage. The axe does more damage. Firearms, ammo, and backpacks are very scarce.

Have a shirt ripped up ahead of time and you can consolidate a least three torn clothes into one inventory slot to be used as bandages. I have not returned from unconsciousness even after two epi-pen stabs on one occasion.

Issues during the initial start of the game. Set up your video, gameplay, and controls ahead of time. Inventory can be changed from "Tab" to the "G" button. The Look button can be changed from the "Left Alt." If you keep the space bar as "weapon up," you may find yourself in a boxing stance or treading water and have a skip step when walking and running. Simply, toggle the space bar again to resume normal movement. Reduce the head bob effect. When you configure the appearance of your character click the "Set Default" button, otherwise you will get a different character consistently. For the server browser, go to the top left and click "Internet" to have the server choices populate.

Set your expectations low as this is really in Alpha status. The developers are still refining the basics.

Posted on: 2013/12/19 5:17

Re: Image in your signature.
Site Admin
Site Admin

When I try Scriv's option using BBcode in the link box popup thingy I get this.

Click to see original Image in a new window

Posted on: 2013/12/19 0:26
Click to see original Image in a new windowThe magic googlebox knows all!

Chernarus+ Map
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Posted on: 2013/12/18 21:41

Standalone Tips
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--DayZdb News--

DayZ standalone introduces much more complicated hunger and thirst mechanics compared to the mod. Instead of your hunger and thirst being satisfied as soon as you eat or drink anything, each type of food and drink restores varying amounts of energy and can add or remove water. Additionally, your stomach can only hold a limited amount of food and water.

When you eat a box of cereal, it restores around 1000 energy, and drains 250 water. Eating sardines only restores 333 energy, but adds close to 100 water. Drinking a can of soda restores a bit less than 150 energy and adds over 300 water, while drinking from a canteen doesn't give any energy, but adds 1000 water.

When you have less than 100 energy, you start losing health and blood. However, when you have a ton of energy and plenty of water (3500 and 3000 respectively), you start regenerating blood. Once your blood is refilled, you regenerate health instead.

Dehydration is much more dangerous than starvation: you lose five times as much health and twice as much blood. Once you accumulate a water deficit, it can be difficult to recover from it if you wait too long.

Status Messages
While they don't tell you exactly what's going on with your character, the status messages that pop up can still help you figure out what you need to get yourself healthy again. Keep in mind that there are other effects that share some of the same messages, so this is by no means a conclusive way of diagnosing yourself.

When you're hungry, you see the following messages:
"I feel tired", "I feel run-down", "I feel worn-out", "I feel like taking a nap", "My stomach grumbles", "I'm feeling hungry", "I want to eat something", "I feel hungry"

When you're very hungry or starving, you see these messages:
"I'm extremely hungry", "My stomach grumbled violently", "I'm starving","I feel exhausted", "I feel extremely tired", "My head pounds", "My head throbs", "My head hurts", "I feel dizzy", "I feel light-headed", "I feel faint", "I feel unsteady", "My stomach grumbles", "I'm feeling hungry", "I want to eat something", "I feel hungry"

When you're thirsty, you see these messages:
"I feel tired", "I feel run-down", "I feel worn-out", "I feel like taking a nap", "My mouth feels dry", "I feel thirsty", "I'm thirsty", "I need a drink", "I feel like having a drink", "I want to drink something"

When you're dehydrated, you see these messages:
"My mouth feels dry", "My head pounds", "My head throbs", "My head hurts", "I feel dizzy", "I feel light-headed", "I feel faint", "I feel unsteady", "I feel exhausted", "I feel extremely tired", "I feel thirsty", "I'm thirsty", "I need a drink", "I feel like having a drink", "I want to drink something"

Being Stuffed
You can also eat and drink too much and overfill your stomach. Once you see these messages, if you keep eating or drinking, you're probably going to end up vomiting.

• My stomach feels absolutely stuffed
• I feel over-fed
• My stomach feels much more full then it's normal
• I am close to vomiting
• I think I'm going to vomit...
• I'm going to vomit...

--DayZ Wiki--
Check out the commands page for key bindings beyond those listed in the menus
- If you are bleeding but have no bandages, remove your shirt and right click it to tear off a rag - this can be used to stop bleeding.
- Use "Tab" to view your inventory.
- You spawn with a Flashlight and Alkaline Battery (9V). Drag the battery onto the torch to power it. Drag the torch to your hand to wield it. Pressing space aims the torch ahead at the sacrifice of movement speed.
- If you can't find any servers, try clicking the "Internet" tab - it may be defaulted to LAN.
- Turn your gamma up from the menu to see better at night.
- For a map of the new: Chernarus.
- Use the number keys 1 - 0 to cycle through your weapons.
- Pressing space lowers/raises your weapon accordingly. If you aren't carrying anything space will ready your fists to punch.
- Hold down right click to zoom in.
- Holding Alt locks your movement, allowing you to look around while running without changing direction.
- If you are in need of rest sitting on the floor for a short while will help.
- Thirsty? Look out for Water Pumps in urban areas. Ponds and water pumps work for refilling water bottles. You need to have the water bottle/canteen in your hand, and you have to go into first person and look at the water to get the option to fill it.
- Unconsciousness is currently glitchy. If you fall unconscious try exiting the server and re-joining several times.
- You need a Can Opener to open canned food. Knives, axes etc. don't work.
- To get an icon off your hotbar, drag and drop the icon onto itself.
- Pay extra attention when looking for loot, some loot isn't immediately obvious.
- Bandages/rags for bleeding, Morphine Auto Injector for a broken leg, Epi-Pen for unsconsciousness, Blood Bags for low blood/health
- Avoid the coast unless you're looking for trouble. Head in-land after spawning.
- Poor framerate? Go to Documents > DayZ and open DayZ.cfg in Notepad. Change GPU_MaxFramesAhead and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead to = 1.
- To avoid bad health, stay away from unclean water, rotten fruit, etc. and wear warm, dry clothes. Cleaning your wounds with alcohol helps to avoid illness too.
- If you are bleeding but have no bandages, remove your shirt and right click it to tear off a rag - this can be used to stop bleeding. Note: This does not work if your clothes are damp.
- Getting tired? Keep hydrated and eat. If you are in need of rest sitting on the floor for a short while will also help.
- If your head hurts, you need to drink water.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 21:40

Respect Your Gamer
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The Escapist
Respect Your Gamer
14 DEC 2913
by Johan Andersson, Paradox Development Studios

As a game developer, you really need to know your gamer - by which I mean, the person that you want playing your game. What does he or she want? What will make them fall in love with the games you create? If you know your gamers, you know how you can both fulfill their wishes and surprise them. You can give them things they didn't even know they wanted. There isn't one big market for everything when it comes to games. But in a world where people keep saying that the PC market is dying, we at Paradox Development Studio are increasing our sales for every strategy game we make. This is in large part thanks to the games we create, which I think get better every year, but more importantly because of how we treat our gamers.

Loyalty is the most profitable long-term concept in the world, and loyalty isn't just given because you want it, but loyalty and respect are given when you return it. "Do to others what you would want them to do to you," said a very wise man in Roman Judea about 2000 years ago, and that is as true today as it was then. Treat your gamers as you want them to treat you and you'll end up successful. (Of course, having a good game is damn helpful.)

We take pride in paying attention to our audience, and let that guide much of what we do. It helps enormously if you as a developer are part of your audience, as you can then add in that extra quality. If a developer is not enjoying the game they are working on, then the gamer won't be buying it either.

I personally believe that any meaningful flow of information must go both directions. When you communicate with your gamers through forums, Twitter, email, Facebook or other venues, it is very important that you as a developer reply to their comments and answer their questions as often as possible and as openly as possible. No one knows your game as well as you do as a developer. Make sure you and your team talk directly to your gamers, answer their questions and listen to their feedback. A gamer that is heard is far more likely to listen to you as a developer when you want to give them information.

If you just give gamers information, and don't respond to their feedback, they will end up detached from you and not feel any loyalty. Gamers have lots of ideas, and in a nurtured community that is open, honest and creative, those ideas mature together with input from other gamers. Gamers need to feel that they can give suggestions on improvements that are actually being listened to. If you listen to them, creativity will flow and it can inspire the development of completely new features for a game. We created our Ruler Designer DLC for Crusader Kings II completely based on gamers' ideas from our community, because they wanted to create their own rulers. Our upcoming Europa Universalis IV expansion Conquest of Paradise is strongly influenced by our gamers' feedback that the excitement of exploration was lost, since everyone has a rough idea of where the new world is when beginning to play. This made us dare to take a leap of faith and create an option for a completely randomized new American continent in an otherwise historical game. We regularly have votes, polls and question threads to find out what our gamers want. The gamers are the ones playing the games. Of course they should be able to influence the future development of those games.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 21:00

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