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Re: LOL Moments
Site Admin
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Alex and I were kitted out pretty good along the coast between Cherno and Bolota. He decided to test something he had heard. I got behind a short cement wall about 80 meters away. Alex repeatedly pounded on the gas pump with his axe. Then, Woooom!!!! He disappeared into a 14 foot diameter fireball. What a shocker! What an explosion!

I went to grab some of his stuff. A secondary explosion killed me instantly. We both spawned in close to the dead bodies and there we lay in a very funny position. I laughed a lot.

Posted on: 2013/12/22 15:06
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Re: Sony apologises with double xp weekend !
Not too shy to talk.
Not too shy to talk.

Is that the Forest Ground Camo ? I bought that the other day.
I also got the NS Decimator rocket launcher for 1SC, does more damage than the default weapon.
I see it's Esamir Snow Camo today..... just too white though :(

I use @PS2DailyDeals on twitter to keep a track of what's on sale usually gets posted around 8 am.

Hopefully a few more bargains to come.

Seen any snowmen yet ?

Posted on: 2013/12/22 11:50

LOL Moments
Just can't stay away.
Just can't stay away.

I think I can boil down my 'epic' gaming moments to three. Well, the ones which made me laugh the most anyway.

The first, (and I think my best ever) gaming moment was in Half Life 2 Deathmatch.
This game was my first on line experience and took me a while to adjust. Once established, my weapon of choice was the crowbar.
It might come as a surprise to a lot of people, but I like to 'camp' and ambush enemy soldiers
I remember hearing movement at the top of some stairs and took cover (OK, camped) in a dark corner below.
At this moment I heard through the voip, two people talking. Now, this was unusual because 'deathmatch' is kill anything that moved. It was IMO Father and Son. Deep adult voice and squeaky kid. The 'Dad' was saying to watch out in particular for the 'nutters' with crowbars who leap out at you and are hard to deal with
Now, these two characters came down the stairs and I leapt into action. The guy who caught it was the 'kid'. As I staved this guys head in with my crowbar, all I could hear was the screaming (actual real screaming) through the voip of this kid as he died. I think the 'Dad' killed me. I don't know, because I was actually on the floor I was laughing so much.
I will never forget that moment.

Next on the list is a 'Day of Defeat' laugh.
Spawning on my favorite map I had to run to get good position to defend a main enemy approach. I think I was playing assault where I needed to go prone (OK, camp) and rip the advancing German f**ckers to bits with my BAR.
Anyway, in front of me were two other team mates. Obviously both with the same tactical superiority as yours truly
To this day I can see the scene clearly. The guy immediately in front of me was a battle hardened looking character. Rough looking face, big gun, ammo belts, canteens rattling as he ran. You know the scene.
Anyway, we got to a doorway that gave us access to the position we were looking for when the first guy just stopped and blocked us. I think sometimes people helped buddies on the other side!
When we were blocked, this really hard looking battle hardened soldier in front of me 'squeeked' in a 5 year old thick Irish accent 'will you get out of the f**cking way'
Now I think you had to be there, but I was on the floor.

The third, and most skill based (well lucky) event was BF2.
Karkand, moving North across the river as MEC to kick US ass You know the scene.
I was on the far left/West of the map crossing the river on foot as a sniper (I know, camping again)
Half way across this guy appears on the far bank. I think 'I'm dead' bollocks! Instead of ripping me to bits with an MG he pulls a pistol and starts to pop at me.
Instinctively I start to weave to make a harder target and actually make it to the bank. Now I think 'I've got this f**cker' when I remember I have a sniper rifle at close range
In my panic to change to pistol, I select knife and think 'shit' All the time I'm weaving and getting clipped by this guys pistol.
This guy must have been thinking 'I should have killed him while he was swimming, then running up the bank with a knife, and then before he gutted me'.
I will never forget that moment, and neither will he

These are just a few of hundreds magical moments experienced in on line gaming. What a wonderful hobby we have!

Posted on: 2013/12/22 1:34

Re: Fix the gallery! lol
Just can't stay away.
Just can't stay away.

Weird, I would have thought it would just be the Aussies with that problem

I just posted a joystick pic which worked (I think)

Posted on: 2013/12/22 0:09

What Joystick?
Just can't stay away.
Just can't stay away.

My old faithful Saitek Cyborg Evo has finally given up
I remember recommending a couple of joysticks for BTTF and Viper a while back, but check this out!

Click to see original Image in a new window ... ywords=thrustmaster+hotas

I looked into good joysticks because my Dad's packed up recently, and he only does flight games.
Then my Evo just locked up on me.
For what I would class as a lower to mid priced joystick, this is a beaut. Very good build quality, and that left/right button behind the throttle would be ideal for left/right braking on 'tail draggers'

With Sturmovic BoS looming I think I'm going for this stick

Posted on: 2013/12/22 0:02

Re: Sony apologises with double xp weekend !
Just can't stay away.
Just can't stay away.

Nice one! The sales are worth logging in for, even if you don't intend to play.
I acquired an Indar camo for 1SC yesterday

Posted on: 2013/12/21 23:38

Re: Standalone Tips
Site Admin
Site Admin

DayZdb: Standalone Status Effects

The Hunger and Thirst guide detailed just three of the possible statuses that can affect your character in DayZ standalone. They're just the beginning though - there are many more afflictions you might encounter. In fact, this guide only lists statuses that should currently be in the game; there's several more that are partially implemented and probably coming soon.

DayZ standalone introduces much more complicated hunger and thirst mechanics compared to the mod. Instead of your hunger and thirst being satisfied as soon as you eat or drink anything, each type of food and drink restores varying amounts of energy and can add or remove water. Additionally, your stomach can only hold a limited amount of food and water.


When you eat a box of cereal, it restores around 1000 energy, and drains 250 water. Eating sardines only restores 333 energy, but adds close to 100 water. Drinking a can of soda restores a bit less than 150 energy and adds over 300 water, while drinking from a canteen doesn't give any energy, but adds 1000 water.


When you have less than 100 energy, you start losing health and blood. However, when you have a ton of energy and plenty of water (3500 and 3000 respectively), you start regenerating blood. Once your blood is refilled, you regenerate health instead.

Dehydration is much more dangerous than starvation: you lose five times as much health and twice as much blood. Once you accumulate a water deficit, it can be difficult to recover from it if you wait too long.

Status Messages

While they don't tell you exactly what's going on with your character, the status messages that pop up can still help you figure out what you need to get yourself healthy again. Keep in mind that there are other effects that share some of the same messages, so this is by no means a conclusive way of diagnosing yourself.


Hunger goes through three stages: hungry, very hungry, and starving.

When you're hungry, you see the following messages:
"I feel tired", "I feel run-down", "I feel worn-out", "I feel like taking a nap", "My stomach grumbles", "I'm feeling hungry", "I want to eat something", "I feel hungry"

When you're very hungry or starving, you see these messages:
"I'm extremely hungry", "My stomach grumbled violently", "I'm starving","I feel exhausted", "I feel extremely tired", "My head pounds", "My head throbs", "My head hurts", "I feel dizzy", "I feel light-headed", "I feel faint", "I feel unsteady", "My stomach grumbles", "I'm feeling hungry", "I want to eat something", "I feel hungry"


When you're thirsty, you see these messages:
"I feel tired", "I feel run-down", "I feel worn-out", "I feel like taking a nap", "My mouth feels dry", "I feel thirsty", "I'm thirsty", "I need a drink", "I feel like having a drink", "I want to drink something"

When you're dehydrated, you see these messages:
"My mouth feels dry", "My head pounds", "My head throbs", "My head hurts", "I feel dizzy", "I feel light-headed", "I feel faint", "I feel unsteady", "I feel exhausted", "I feel extremely tired", "I feel thirsty", "I'm thirsty", "I need a drink", "I feel like having a drink", "I want to drink something"

Being Stuffed

You can also eat and drink too much and overfill your stomach. Once you see these messages, if you keep eating or drinking, you're probably going to end up vomiting.

•My stomach feels absolutely stuffed
•I feel over-fed
•My stomach feels much more full then it's normal
•I am close to vomiting
•I think I'm going to vomit...
•I'm going to vomit...

The Basics

Status effects, or modifiers as the scripts call them, usually have multiple stages that become increasingly more dire. An example of this is hunger, where you go from hungry to very hungry, and then to starving. You don't start losing health or blood until your starving, so the earlier stages serve as warnings.

Your character's health is described by several variables, which the status effects modify over time. When you spawn, you start with the following default values:

Health - 5000
Blood - 5000
Energy - 1000
Water - 1800
Stomach - 1000
Hunger - 0
Thirst - 0

Unconsciousness only has one stage, which causes loss of control of your character. It can be caused either by shock, or lack of blood. Shock comes from damage to the head, and can be reduced by protective helmets. Epinephrine resets your shock level, which would revive you unless your blood is too low.

The Cure
If due to shock, epinephrine will revive you. If it's due to blood, a transfusion or saline bag. You can't easily tell if you passed out to due to shock or blood loss, but if your screen wasn't gray when you passed out, it's probably shock. If no one is around to help you, your shock level decreases at 30 per second, so it is still possible to revive on your own.

Posted on: 2013/12/21 1:05
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Re: Getting logged out after a certain amount of idle time
Site Admin
Site Admin


Unable to add "stay logged in" as an option.

Posted on: 2013/12/21 0:29
Click to see original Image in a new windowThe magic googlebox knows all!

Re: Beer!
Site Admin
Site Admin

Here is my top ten in no particular order.

Click to see original Image in a new windowClick to see original Image in a new windowClick to see original Image in a new windowClick to see original Image in a new windowClick to see original Image in a new windowClick to see original Image in a new windowClick to see original Image in a new windowClick to see original Image in a new windowClick to see original Image in a new window

    Third Shift         Sierra Nevada       Shock Top         Sam Adams          Blue Moon              Shiner                Kona                  Grolsh               Fat Tire

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Posted on: 2013/12/21 0:24
Click to see original Image in a new windowThe magic googlebox knows all!

DayZ Standalone Videos
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Knock Down

Posted on: 2013/12/20 21:58

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